Frequently asked questions

For any questions or feedback not mentioned here, please reach out by sending an email.

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Why are the messages not updating?

Messages sent via the Calendar Clock Administrator application might take up to 15 minutes (duration can be changed in the Calendar Clock Administrator application) to appear in the Calendar Clock application. This is because the latter refreshes only every 15 minutes to save on energy and network consumption. If after 15 minutes the messages still do not appear, please check your internet connection and whether the correct device is connected. You can also refresh the messages by swiping down on the "Menu" page. If none of these things work, please contact me to look for a solution! Note that if the app is in nightmode (which can be set up in the Administrator application) the messages do not update.

How do I test the app?

First connect the device that you want to control remotely to your Calendar Clock Administrator app. Now also install the Calendar Clock app on your own device and navigate to its Menu page. Click the QR code and connect the Administrator app from your phone to the Calendar Clock app on your phone. On the bottom of the Preferences page on your own device, click 'Sync with other Device'. Now the Calendar Clock app on your phone is a near replica of the device you want to control. Note that during testing, you can refresh the settings by swiping down on the Menu page of the Calendar Clock app. This way you do not have to wait for 15 minutes first.

Where do I find the ID and Password?

The ID and Password can be found on the "Menu" page on the Calendar Clock application. It is possible that this page has been disabled by one of the Administrator applications. In this case, check the FAQ question below.

If you press the date 10 times on the Calendar Clock application, you will temporarily see the menu again and automatically navigate to it.

How do I reduce battery consumption?

Firstly, in the Calendar Clock Administrator app, usage the night hours setting, which reduces brightness during the night hours. Moreover, put the device in battery-saving mode, and if possible, also reduce the CPU usage of the device. Additionally, removing unused apps from the device stops these apps from updating and searching for notifications, thus saving battery usage. Lastly, it will help to turn off NFC and Bluetooth on the device. Note that if battery-saving mode is activated, the app will no longer update automatically.

I accidentally made the app my home screen, how do I undo this (Android only)

In the Calendar Clock app, swipe down at the top of the screen, such that the notification part of the phone becomes visible. Then click the button which goes to the settings of the device. Then in the settings, go to Apps->Calendar Clock. On this page, you can find Default Settings where it says that Calendar Clock is your home screen. Change this setting.

How does automatically adding national holidays work?

If you select a country for which national holidays should be added, then on that day, the Calendar Clock app will show this holiday as a message which displays the whole day in the local language. Note that these holidays are not visible in your Calendar Clock Administrator agenda or message list. The holidays will, however, still be displayed. Testing this feature can be done by changing the date of your Calendar Clock app to a national holiday.

Can I enable the app on my lock screen?

Unfortunately, both Google and Apple make it difficult to implement the Calendar Clock app on the lock screen. If I managed to, then many features would have to be disabled. Therefore, I tried to make the app use as little battery as possible instead and to make it possible to have the app reduce brightness and battery during the night hours. Maybe using this feature will be useful for you. It can be enabled in the Calendar Clock Administrator app.

How do I show the weather?

If you have the Premium/Premium Plus version of the Calendar Clock administrator application, you can show the current temperature/weather. This can be enabled in the Preferences page. You will have to enter a city of choice for which the weather forecast will be shown. By letting you select a city, the Calendar Clock app does not need location permissions. Note that the weather won't be shown during night mode!

How does the automatic deleting of expired messages work?

If you turn on this feature in the Calendar Clock administrator application, then once a day a script will be executed that deletes all expired messages. Note that this feature only deletes messages that DO NOT repeat.

How do I change the appearance of the Calendar Clock application?

The appearance of the Calendar Clock application can only be changed from the Administrator application. The person with this app can connect to the Calendar Clock and then go to the "Preferences" page to change the appearance.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. The apps do not contain ads and your data is not being sold. There only is a subscription that unlocks extra functionalities, such as the display of the weather and images, and you can start video calls.

Can I use Calendar Clock app without also using the Administrator application?

Yes, the Calendar Clock Administrator application is not needed for the Calendar Clock application to be used. However, it is not possible to customize the appearance of the clock in the Calendar Clock application.

Can I connect multiple devices?

Yes, the Calendar Clock Administrator application can be connected to at most 3 devices using the Basic/Premium version and to as many devices as you want in the Premium Plus version.

How do the time intervals work?

Both alarms, messages, reduced brightness, and alternative colors activate from the start of the time interval up to and including the end time. In case you want to show a message from a time to a time, then you should subtract one minute from the end time. Not that Calendar Clock only supports whole minutes.

How do alarms work?

An alarm is a message that plays a customizable sound, flickers the flash, and fills the screen with an animated red-white screen containing the message. Alarms stop automatically after an adjustable period of time. Before an alarm has activated, it is shown in red in the Calendar Clock Administrator app. Alarms can be stopped by pressing "Stop alarm" in the middle of the screen. After this happened, the message displays in green on the Calendar Clock Administrator app. Note that the app has to be open for alarms to work, which is different from the alarm of the device itself.

How and where can I display photos?

You can show photos next to the clock or next to messages. In both cases, the clock/photo and message/photo share their space. General pictures can be set up in the Preferences page of the Calendar Clock Administrator app. Photos connected to a message can be set up in the page of a message itself.

How can I copy or duplicate messages?

If you want to copy all messages from one device (D1) to another device (D2), first make sure that you Calendar Clock Administrator app is connected to both D1 and D2. Then go to the Preferences page of D1. Then at then bottom of this page click "Copy messages to another device" Select D2 and all messages are copied. If you want to duplicate a message, then go to the page of the message and press "Duplicate message" at the bottom.

Can I connect Calendar Clock to a different agenda?

Yes you can! See the agenda connection page for more information.

Which languages are supported?

Calendar Clock supports UK English, US English, Estonian, Turkish, Bulgarian, German, French, Indonesian, Finnish, Danish, Spanish, Hebrew, Norwegian BĂ´kmal, Hungarian, Chinese, Slovenian, Italian, and Dutch. If you want to help with getting more languages in the app, please reach out!

How do I delete my account?

There are 3 ways to permanently delete your account: