Video calling in Calendar Clock
This article describes how video calling works in Calendar Clock and how all different settings work.
Note that video calling requires Calendar Clock Premium. Only if you have purchased Premium, or if someone else has purchased Premium Plus and is connected to the device, you are able to video call.
Activating video calling
Video calling requires the Calendar Clock to be connected permanently to a special video calling server. By default, this connection is not enabled. Therefore, before you are able to call the Calendar Clock, you need to enable calling on the "Call" page of the Administrator application. After activating the feature, the Calendar Clock must refresh so it can connect to the video calling server. You can refresh the Calendar Clock manually or wait at most 15 minutes for the device to refresh itself.
Calling the Calendar Clock
Once the Calendar Clock is connected to the video calling server, you can call the device by pressing the "Call" button in the Administrator application.
Depending on the "Pick up automatically" setting, one of two screens will show.

Whilst calling, a loud ringing sound will play. This sound cannot be disabled, as it is required to prevent the app from being used to abuse people's privacy.
Note that in the pictures above, it shows the name and picture of the person calling. This only displays when the person calling is registered as a contact person. More information about contact persons is described in the next section.
Having the Calendar Clock call you
It is also possible for the Calendar Clock to call you. This requires you to be registered as a contact person, which can be done in the video calling settings of the Administrator application.
It is only possible to add yourself as a contact person. This is because the Calendar Clock does not call your phone number, but instead calls the very specific Administrator application. So if you want to set up the Calendar Clock to be able to call multiple people, each of these people has to download the Administrator application and set up themselves as contact persons.
When setting yourself up as a contact person, do not forget to add a name and picture, as these will be both visible when the Calendar Clock wants to call you, and when you are calling the Calendar Clock.

One vs multiple contact persons
When only one contact person is set up, clicking the calling icon immediately calls that one person.
On the other hand, when multiple contact persons are set up, clicking the calling icon shows a new screen in which the person who should be called can be selected.